The Lazy Girl Guide To "Posting a Pic and Making Them Sick" 📸

The Lazy Girl Guide To "Posting a Pic and Making Them Sick" 📸

One of our besties asked us for some ideas on what to do when you don't feel like taking here we are giving the girlies the TEA, because one thing we never do is gate keep.

"What are ideas for posting when you don't really feel like taking pictures"

Girls you are not alone, posting can be reallyyyyyy challenging-- even for us! Like you want to stay consistent because you know that's the key to growing on social media, but you also don't feel like beating your face 24/7 for the sake of looking "picture ready". Sometimes just the thought of getting picture ready is enough to make you want crawl back in bed, and deactivate your Instagram. Just kidding...kinda. 

One posting style that has been trending lately is the Pinterest moodboard feed. People enjoy seeing the candid, unfiltered, glimpses of our lifestyle sprinkled in between our prettiest selfies. That's why "day in the life" reels and TikToks, as well as this aesthetically pleasing feed style, are so popular and effective right now.

There are so many ways you can achieve the ultimate buffer picture for your page, but here are a few of our favs...

Take pictures of your surroundings! 🌴 When you go to a nice restaurant, bar, park, beach, vacation destination...WHEREVER you go sis, make sure you use that as an opportunity to get tons of aesthetically pleasing pictures. This is something I do religiously whenever I'm outside. Don't overthink it either, sometimes the simplest of things can make the most perfect scenic buffer picture.

Nail selfies are always a MUST 💅 Now sis, if you know you're one of those girls who changes their nails as often as outfits (you're goals btw), why aren't you using that to your advantage? Literally every nail day is an opportunity for a photo opp. You could be looking A MESS but, if those nails are done, you better snap a pic! Listen, the girls are always looking for a nail inspo so using "nailfies" as buffer pictures are also perfect for engagement & growth.

Food pictures, yes please! 🍝 It's 2023, and going out to eat isn't just for eating anymore. It's content time! When we just spent 34950682 hours getting dolled up, best believe we're gonna make the most of it. Yes! Use the ambiance to get your pretty selfies in, but don't sleep on the food pics girl. Believe it or not, food really does make for great buffer pictures. In fact, a lot of food pages blow up off of aesthetic alone. Whenever you go to a nice restaurant or even when you make a yummy spread, before you take a bite, think of your insta feed.

Your outfit details, but make it aesthetically pleasing! 👛 Looking for the perfect companion to follow that pretty selfie you just posted on your feed? Close up outfit detail pictures are the solution. Posting little details of your outfit-- such as your purse, shoes, jewelry, etc. is another inspired way to create buffer pictures for your social media page that can be implemented in between pics of yourself.

Finally, one more piece of advice from us to you...

If your goal is to be a content creator, you need to incorporate content days into your schedule immediately! This is a lifesaver, especially on those lazy girl days, when the last thing we want to do is slay our faces for the sole purpose of posting something new. This year we're working smarter not harder girl. Setting aside a specific day(s) during the week for getting your content in will save your life! Make a whole day out of it. Fix your hair, do your makeup, grab your bestie (sibling or tripod), put together multiple outfits, maybe even drive to a couple different locations in your area and GET. THAT. CONTENT. SIS! This way you will have enough pictures to last you days to weeks. 

Hope this helps besties! You know we don't gate keep over here, so neither should you. Share this with someone who needs the TEA. 

*special credit to Cinzia Zullo (@cinziabayliszullo) for being our insta feed goals.

Need advice, tips, or help with a dilemma? You can always email us at or follow us on Instagram (@prettygirlbossinc), and keep an eye on our story posts for when we have Bestie Chats! 💖

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